Marcus Cannello
Voice Actor
Los Angeles, CA
Who Is Marcus Cannello?
The person who became Marcus Cannello has had an interesting life. Born in New Jersey, Marcus moved to Colorado in his adolescence and graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Feeling a certain wanderlust, Marcus traveled the world as an ESL teacher shortly after graduating and spent a few years in Japan and the Czech Republic.
Upon returning to the United States, Marcus was without purpose. On the advice of family and friends he enrolled in his first acting class, and hasn't looked back since.
A resident of Los Angeles, Marcus spends his time when not working on projects or studying his craft enjoying his life: exploring his new home state and having more adventures with his found family and loved ones, to whom he is eternally grateful.
That's him in the suit.

Recording Equipment
Shure KSM32
Steinberg UR 12
Adobe Audition

Commercial and Voice Over
Agent: Marci Polzin
17216 Saticoy St, #312
Lake Balboa, CA 91406
C: 213-359-2003
Email: marci@artistictalentla.com
Other Markets

Voice Over - Colorado
Agent: Jordan Leigh
925 W. 7th Ave
Denver, CO 80204
P: 303-561-1199
Email: jordan@donnabaldwin.com